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Skidmore College
Health Services

Sexual Assault and Harassment Support at Skidmore Health Services

Skidmore Health Services provides confidential resources and support for students who have experienced sexual assault or harassment. Whether dealing with immediate or long-term medical concerns, Health Services is here to help and connect students with additional resources. Below is a summary of the support available:

Services Available  | Contacting Health Services | On-Campus Resources | Off-Campus Resources

Services Available at Health Services:
  • Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Pregnancy testing and emergency contraception
  • Assistance with housing and academic accommodations (with appropriate releases of information)
Contacting Health Services:
  • During office hours: Call 518-580-5550
  • After hours: Contact Campus Safety at 518-580-5566 and request to speak with a member of Health Services. You do not need to provide your name or identifying information when contacting Campus Safety.

Please note: While Health Services is unable to perform SANE exams (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner exams), we can direct you to resources that can.

On-Campus Resources:

If you’ve experienced sexual misconduct, here are several on-campus resources to help:

  • Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Information and Resources
  • Health Promotion
  • Counseling Center
  • For a more detailed overview of resources available on campus, you can refer to the "If you have experienced misconduct" section under “Who can help and how”
Off-Campus Resources:
  • Wellspring (Local to Saratoga County):
  • 24/7 hotline: 518-584-8188
  • Website: Wellspring
  • Live online chat is available through their website.
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline:
  • Confidential 24/7 Support: 1-800-656-4673
  • Or chat online at: RAINN Online Chat

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) also provides other specific hotlines and resources, which you can find on their website.

Skidmore Health Services is here to support students during a difficult time and can help connect you to further services for emotional, medical, and legal support. If you need assistance or information, please reach out to us or utilize one of the off-campus resources.